If you staked 3 BNB in the original BNB-$BUSD DODO IDO Crowdpool, check here in your wallet,
If you have BNB in this pool, please make sure to remove your funds. If you do not remove your funds, you will only get 1 $POTS and lose your BNB if you don’t unstake. There are still 43 BNB left in the pool.
If you are in the correct BNB Pool, this one here, then you don’t need to do anything and will receive your fair share of POTS tokens. The BUSD Pool was unaffected by this error.
The screenshot below shows you the old BNB pool, the one you must exit. You can see all the pools, including this incorrect one by visiting this page on DODO, and entering in the POTS contract address to the search bar.
The POTS contract address that you should put into the search bar on DODO is:
How to remove staked BNB
Head to this link and connect your wallet.
Click the [Remove] tab.
Enter the full amount staked (maximum 3 BNB) before clicking [Remove] at the bottom of the screen. This will unstake your funds. You will need to confirm the transaction for it to complete successfully.
If you do not remove your funds, you will only get 1 $POTS and lose your BNB. This must be done before 10:00 UTC, 03 August 2021.