Once you have navigated to the DODO IDO page using our previous instructions, you can stake your BUSD or BNB in just a few clicks. Each whitelisted Cadet can stake a maximum of $100 in each pool (BUSD-$POTS or BNB-$POTS).

Once the 24 hours are over, the $POTS will be divided proportionally depending on the amount you staked. You will receive your $POTS after the end of the IDO sale on August 03, 2021, at 10:00 UTC, plus any refund from your BUSD and BUSD stakes.

How to Stake into the IDO

  1. After heading to the [IDO] section in the Moonpot DApp, click the link to head to the DODO IDO Crowdpooling site. In this example, we’ll tap [Stake Your BNB To Get POTS].

  1. You’ll now find yourself on the BNB-$POTS Crowdpool. The maximum you can stake in each pool is $100. For this particular pool, it’s 0.3 BNB.

  1. Enter 0.3 BNB to stake the full amount and press [Add].

  1. You’ll now have to confirm your transaction. You should see the screen below if you were successful.

  1. Your BNB allocation will now show as 0 as you have used it up. You can also see your [Total Expected to Receive]. This will decrease once the soft cap has been exceeded. However, you will receive a refund for any difference that occurs.

Don’t forget that liquidity pools will open up as soon as the Crowdpooling phase is over. Moonpot’s liquidity will be locked in the pools for 90 days.

Isn’t the IDO oversubscribed?

We’ve already reached our soft cap, but the IDO isn’t over until 1000 UTC August 03.

If you’re whitelisted, you can still join the IDO. The IDO is oversubscribed, but everyone will get a fair share of $POTS based on the proportion they staked of the overall amount. You will still pay $1 per $POTS, and you will also get a refund for any excess funds staked.

Is the DODO IDO website slow?

There’s been some heavy traffic during the DODO IDO due to the number of Cadets boarding the spaceship. Our advice is to wait until it’s less busy, or try and let the DODO website load. It doesn’t matter when you stake within 24 hours as everyone will get their fair share according to their stake.

How do I get the maximum amount of $POTS?

As the IDO is oversubscribed, we can’t tell you how many $POTS you’ll get until the end of the Crowdpool sale. If you stake $100 BUSD in the BUSD-$POTS pool and 0.3 BNB in the BNB-$POTS pool, you can guarantee you’ll get the maximum allocation,