Moonpot is a win-win prize game where you earn interest on your deposit whatever happens. Each week five savers are then randomly selected from the pot to receive big-money prizes.

Today we crowned our first five Moonpot winners. That’s right, Cadets. We just witnessed the very first Moonpot prize draw — with more than $80,000 in CAKE and BIFI up for grabs.

The Moonpot Space Programme’s leader, Captain Ziggy, couldn’t have been more excited to see five of his Cadets graduate into mission-ready astronauts.

Ziggy is especially happy for the Cadet who staked 10 CAKE, but ended up winning 441.21 CAKE and 11.35 BIFI.

So thanks to a deposit of just 148.50 USD they won 16,375 USD — another successful Moon landing!

You can see the winners on the blockchain, here.

Ziggy’s never been seen without a space helmet on but Ground Control have often heard the Captain listening to Air’s Moon Safari when cruising through space. Except on Mondays. Which is when Ziggy blasts out ‘We Are The Champions’ by Queen on repeat.

Because each and every Monday from today onwards is CAKE Moonpot prize day!

If you were in last weeks Moonpot with CAKE and BIFI prizes then, for this week only, you need to move your CAKE to the new CAKE Moonpot. Click here, to learn how.

New to Moonpot?

Are you a new Moonpot Cadet? Then let’s step into the briefing room so you can get up to speed with how Moonpot’s prizes and winnings work…

Each Moonpot lottery has five winners. And each winner receives 20% of the total prize pot. Prizes are paid directly into your Moonpot account.

So if you are a CAKE Moonpot winner then the prize is automatically added to your deposit and interest.

You can always check the ‘My Pots’ section of the dApp to keep track of the prize draws you’re in as well as the results from completed pots.

Now that a prize draw has taken place go to ‘My Past Pots’ and scroll down to the ‘Prize Winners’ section to see if you were one of the winners or not.

Remember that even if you didn’t win your deposit is still bigger than when you started because of all the interest paid. Plus you’ll have another chance to win next week. Not to mention every single week after that.

And if you did win — congratulations!

Please note that if you want to withdraw your winnings immediately there is a 5% Fairness Fee to be paid to ensure users don’t game the system. But this fee is reduced to zero once you’ve passed a ten-day Fairplay Timelock.

Of course, if you keep your winnings staked on Moonpot you’re earning even more interest on your assets and winnings with each day of the Fairplay Timelock.

Plus you’ll have increased your number of tickets for the next week’s prize draw, too. Which means even greater odds of winning. Think of it as yet another Moonpot win-win!

So what are the chances of winning?

Well, your odds of winning change depending on how much you deposit in the Moonpot, and how much is in there when the prize draw is held. This is because it’s directly proportional.

For example, if you deposit 100 CAKE into our CAKE Moonpot, and there’s 10,000 CAKE in the entire pot, then your odds are 100/10,000. Which is to say 1 in 100.

Someone in the same pot who deposited 1 CAKE would only have a 1 in 10,000 chance. Whereas a user who deposited 5 CAKE would have a 5/10,000 chance — so 1 in 2,000.

And so on.

The good thing is you don’t need to make these calculations. The Moonpot dApp shows you your chances of winning before you make a deposit. Plus you can check your odds at any time before the scheduled prize draw via the dApp’s ‘My Pots’ page.

Users with the largest deposits will of course have the greatest chance of winning. Because your odds are directly proportional to your share of the deposited assets. But the thing is it’s a random prize draw. So anyone can win.

Winners are picked entirely at random thanks to the smart-contract code and the use of Chainlink VRF (Verifiable Random Function) — a provably fair and verifiable source of randomness.

Because anyone with a ticket is a possible winner it means little fish will absolutely win from time to time. That’s the nature of chance and statistics. And when they do they will receive a huge payout compared to the amount they put in.

Like the Cadet with just 10 CAKE in our first-ever Moonpot! Who turned around 150 USD into more than 16,000 USD

That’s the point of taking part. You have to be in it to win it. And with Moonpot you earn interest on your entry rather than having it taken from you. Win-win.

Obviously the lower your odds then the more chance you have of winning.

But how much can you win? The five lucky winners of our first CAKE Moonpot shared around 80,000 USD worth of CAKE and BIFI.

But there is no set amount for each prize. It depends on how much has been deposited in each Moonpot, and therefore how much interest has been earned. As a rough guideline projections show that — at current rates — should there be 10m USD of CAKE in our CAKE Moonpot (as there was for Week One) then the weekly prize fund will be around 50k USD (paid in CAKE).

The reason the size of the prize pot fluctuates is that it comes from the interest earned by Moonpot through the platform’s savings strategies. So in the case of our CAKE Moonpot, all the deposited CAKE is bundled together to earn interest from Beefy Finance’s CAKE vault.

Beefy auto-compounds the earnings, and then it all goes back to Moonpot players. Half is paid out to users as interest. The other half is used for Prize Draws (and Ziggy’s governance pot).

Early adopters should note that our first CAKE Moonpot was sponsored with BIFI. This meant an additional $40,000 of BIFI tokens to be won on top of the usual CAKE prize. Plus an increased interest rate for all users who joined the pot (including $50k of BIFI bonus earnings).

If you had an eye on our announcements channel you’ll have seen there’s another boost for Week Two. There’s now an extra $40k going to the prize pot and $100k towards interest payments. It’s a Super Boost!

If in doubt just check the Moonpot dApp, which clearly shows the amount that can be won (and earned) from each pot. You can check this at any time to keep up to date with any changes.

And remember, even if you don’t win you never lose your original stake. In fact, your deposit only grows thanks to the interest paid out on it daily. No other prize game lets you play with no risk to your entry fee while simultaneously paying you interest on what you’ve deposited. Win-win.

But for now it’s back to Ziggy who seems to be sending a message from his shuttle.

What’s that Captain?

We are the champions, my friends

And we’ll keep on fighting till the end

We are the champions

We are the champions

No time for losers

‘Cause we are the champions

Of the World

Go to to save and play today