Since there is no autocompounding for Ziggy’s Pot, how do I manually compound the bonus POTS that I am earning as interest on my POTS?

OK, so there’s no autocompounding for Ziggy’s Pot — as discussed here — but compounding the bonus POTS earned on your staked POTS is easy.

Simply go to and make sure your wallet is connected.

Then click on the burger menu in the top right-hand corner of the Moonpot DApp homepage.

Next: select ‘My Pots’. Then open the section labelled ‘Earnings’ on your Ziggy’s Pot info box.

Click the button that says ‘Compound POTS’.

You’ll then have to pay a small BNB gas fee to confirm the transaction.

Next up you should see Ziggy and a ‘Compound Successful’ notification.


You have compounded your POTS and will now be earning even more interest on your assets.

How do I use to know how often to manually compound my POTS?

Compounding regularly will boost your APR to an even higher APY. Hurray!

But of course compounding too often will lose you money due to the repeated cost of gas fees. Boo!

So where’s the sweet spot?

We’ve seen some Cadets suggest that, as a rough rule, you may want to wait until you’ve earned $50 worth of POTS before using that ‘Compound POTS’ button.

But why go by guesswork when we have math?

Thanks to one of our brightest Cadets there is now a tool you can use to work out how often you should be compounding your POTS to earn the highest return possible.

Simply go to

There are then two pieces of data you need to type in:

  1. Amount of POTS you have staked
  2. Current APR for Ziggy’s Pot

Both pieces of information can easily be seen on the ‘Ziggy’s Pot’ info box under ‘My Moonpots’.

Type in each value in the correct box and the system will tell you how often you should compound your POTS.

This is based on a calculation of how much you would earn versus the fees you would pay should you regularly compound at different set time periods.

The goal of course is to have the highest net outcome possible.

For example, a Cadet has 102.1003 POTS and the current APR is 79.46%.

Type those numbers into the boxes provided by and as if by magic the calculations are made and the answer is provided:

“You should compound your POTS every 20 days”.

The website spits out a data table below the magic answer should you wish to compare the results of compounding at various different time intervals.

Go forth and compound, Cadet!